| AE Advisor since


A proven path to build the business you deserve.

The partner built to make it happen.


An Independent Marketing Organization built for your needs.

Casey Weade Casey Weade Casey Weade

AE Advisor since 2007

Expect more

Burned out in your business?

Casey W. was tired of the 60-hour-week grind and ready to quit. Instead, he found freedom in working on his business instead of in it. Learn how he became a true CEO

nick stahl nick stahl nick stahl

AE Advisor since 2018

Step By Step


Nick S. worked 7-day weeks and logged 40% seminar conversions. With Advisors Excel, he cut his hours while doubling conversions. Discover how Nick put the right processes in place

tony drake podcast tony drake hunting tony drake outside airplane



think you’ve hit YOUR CEILING?

At the top of the game with his former FMO, Tony D. was hitting a wall. Joining Advisors Excel helped him unlock a new tier of success. Learn how Tony achieved a breakthrough

Cory Chapman Cory Chapman Cory Chapman

AE Advisor since 2016



Cory C. was working around the clock just to keep his business afloat — and slowly drowning. Until he joined Advisors Excel. Discover how Cory turned his business around

David Nicholas David Nicholas David Nicholas

AE Advisor since 2014



David N. needed a lifeline when he came to Advisors Excel. He got a path to leadership, business transformation and the national stage. Learn how David found his stride as a CEO

Stephanie Fullerton Stephanie Fullerton in Studio Stephanie Fullerton with family

AE Advisor since 2010


partners in success(ion)

After building a dream business, Stephanie F. was ready to step back and enjoy the fruits of her labor. How should she pass the baton? Learn how Stephanie navigated her succession journey

George and Stacia Williams George and Stacia Williams George and Stacia Williams

AE Advisor since 2020

do more with less

time to get off the treadmill

Fed up with being always on the go and missing family time they craved, George and Stacia W. found a new way with Advisors Excel. Discover how George and Stacia W. slowed down to speed up

Katie Buck Katie Buck Katie Buck

AE Advisor since 2017


Growth is all in the family

Katie B. was ready to transform the family business but didn’t know where to start — until she got the tools and training she needed. Read how Katie expanded the family business

Connect With More Stories

casey w headshot


From Burnt Out to Perfectly Balanced Discover How Casey Found a New Way Forward When He Was at His Breaking Point

The Point

Advisors Excel helped Casey surpass his goals and achieve his ideal business and lifestyle — sacrificing neither his firm nor his family.

Have you ever felt trapped between overworking while sacrificing your health and family time, or giving up your business entirely? There's another way, and Casey W. found it with Advisors Excel's help.

A Crossroad Between Growth and Personal Sacrifice

Casey W. was giving his all to the business, with nothing left over for himself or his family.

“I felt like I only had two options: To continue to grow and scale my business, build something epic, and sacrifice my health, family and faith along the way,” he said. “Or I could step away from work. I could retire, sit back and focus all my time and energy on my family.”

Strategic Mentorship and a Proven Growth Pathway

Casey turned to Advisors Excel, which provided:

  • Personalized Leadership Coaching: Learning to lead from the front by empowering team members.
  • Efficient Team Building: Strategies on hiring and nurturing a top-notch team for delegation and operational efficiency.
  • Advanced Marketing Techniques: Guidance on effective marketing to amplify growth opportunities.

“I was mentored and educated on how to lead a team,” Casey said. “The openness and willingness to share has been the most beneficial part of getting from point A to point B.”

Finding Balance Along With Growth

With guidance from Advisors Excel, Casey found that middle path:

  • Business Growth: Casey more than 10x'd his firm's production.
  • Team Expansion: Casey grew his team into a 50-person powerhouse across five offices and four markets.
  • Time Freedom: Most importantly, Casey achieved the elusive work-life balance, allowing him to spend more time with his wife and three children, or get in a round of golf when the mood strikes.

“It's gotten to the point where I don't know what to do after Tuesday,” Casey joked. “Advisors Excel opened my eyes to what was really possible — not just financial goals but making a larger impact in the world than I had ever thought was possible.”

Advisors Excel showed me a path not just to financial freedom but, more importantly, time freedom.

casey w headshot

Advisors Excel opened my eyes to what was really possible.

casey w headshot

It's Your Turn to Transform

Are you at a crossroads like Casey? We can show you the proven path to transform from a business owner to a true industry leader who enjoys both professional success and personal fulfillment. Don't wait to redefine your future.

Nick Stahl


Leaving the Grind BehindDiscover how Nick Went From Spinning His Wheels to Mastering His Time

The Point

Advisors Excel helped Nick implement processes to maximize his efficiency — giving him more free time and exponentially increasing his seminar conversions and production.

Are 70- and 80-hour workweeks becoming your norm? Are you struggling to convert prospects from your marketing funnels into appointments? Nick S. was wrestling with both these challenges when he came to Advisors Excel and discovered a new way to work.

Long Hours and Inconsistent Results

Operating as a one-person shop, Nick lacked planning, processes and structure for his sales and his seminars.

“It was hard. I was working six, seven days a week just to try to get by and struggling to book seminar appointments at even a 40% rate — and that was on a good day,” Nick said.

Training and Support for a Transformation

Advisors Excel offered Nick a lifeline in the form of:

  • Innovative Seminar Strategies: Transforming Nick's seminar presentation and approach.
  • Sales and Marketing Insights: Empowering Nick to dial in his processes.
  • Operational Efficiency: Providing strategies for growing and maximizing efficiency.
  • Team Building Expertise: Helping Nick build a strong, capable team to sustain growth.

“We just implemented everything. We took it on like a sponge,” Nick said.

Exceeding Expectations

Since partnering with Advisors Excel, Nick's business has done a 180:

  • Business Growth: 10X growth in five years.
  • Increased Appointments: Seminar booking rates soared to 85%-100% from 40%.
  • Work-Life Balance: Nick enjoys 30-hour workweeks instead of 70- to 80-hour weeks.

“These types of numbers we're doing today weren't even on my radar,” Nick said. “Not to sound dramatic, but it's changed life for me and my family.”

Not to sound dramatic, but it's changed life for me and my family.

Nick s.
Nick Stahl

Honestly, these types of numbers we're doing today weren't even on my radar.

Nick s.
Nick Stahl

Take Action: It's Your Turn to Transform

Are you ready to elevate your financial advisory business? With personalized coaching, cutting-edge marketing strategies and comprehensive operational support, Advisors Excel is here to help you reach your full potential.

Tony Drake Headshot


From Stalled to SkyrocketingDiscover Tony's Path to a New Stratosphere of Success.

The Point

Tony leveraged Advisors Excel's comprehensive resources to switch from stagnation to exceptional growth.

Ever been the biggest fish in the pond? That may mean you've no longer got anyone to show you the way to the next breakthrough. Tony D. was stalled in this situation, until he found Advisors Excel.

A Plateau in Progress

In 2019, Tony was one of the top producers within his FMO. The FMO and other advisors were looking to him for new ideas, but Tony was hitting a wall — unsure how to push beyond his current level of success.

“I really believed I would benefit from being around people who were bigger, more efficient and doing better than I was,” Tony said.

A Collaborative Powerhouse of Resources

Advisors Excel gave Tony the breakthrough he needed:

  • In-Depth Coaching: Helping Tony restructure his firm, build up his staff, and transition to a true CEO focusing on marketing, culture and strategic leadership.
  • Peer-to-Peer Mentoring: Modeling best practices from five top Advisors Excel firms, Tony found additional growth and efficiencies.
  • Seminar and Sales Training: Learning sales and storytelling techniques to help hook an audience and increase conversions.

“Having been at some other FMOs and having owned an FMO at one point, there's nobody that I've ever run into that has anywhere near the resources and programs for advisors like Advisors Excel has,” Tony said.

A Transformation Story

Tony's collaboration with Advisors Excel unlocked new milestones for him:

  • Unprecedented Growth: On pace to exceed 6x his 2019 production, Tony now leads a team of more than 30.
  • Freedom and Independence: As a single father of three, Tony's created a schedule that allows him flexibility for travel and more time with his kids.

“I really love my life today, and I only see it getting better and better. And so much of that was from what I've learned from the coaching staff at AE and the great advisors in this community.”

There's nobody that I've ever run into that has anywhere near the resources and programs for advisors like Advisors Excel has.

Tony Drake Headshot

I really love my life today, and I only see it getting better and better. And so much of that was from what I've learned from AE.

Tony Drake Headshot

Start Now: Your Path to New Levels of Success IS CLEAR

Tony's story is more than inspirational — it shows what's possible with the right partnership. Ready to experience your own transformation? Join Advisors Excel today, and start your journey from stalled to skyrocketing.

Cory Chapman's Headshot


The Power of ProcessDiscover How Cory Reinvigorated His Business and His Life

The Point

After implementing strategies from Advisors Excel, Cory now works less, his business makes more, and he spends more quality time with his family.

Ever feel like no matter how hard you work, the rewards just aren't following? That's how Cory C. felt before he joined Advisors Excel and tried something new.

A Solo Advisor in Survival Mode

After a bad breakup with a business partner, Cory found himself in survival mode. Working around the clock to keep everything afloat, he was missing out on precious family time and not seeing the returns he expected for all his efforts.

“I was a good speaker and could talk to people, but I wasn't really running things like a business,” Cory said. “We were running by the seat of our pants.”

A Transformational Process

Advisors Excel provided Cory with a new blueprint for success:

  • Sales Process Revolution: Revamping the sales process with proven success strategies.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Tracking and studying ROI and other business metrics.
  • Community Support: Access to mentors and peers through the Advisors Excel network.

“Having the ability to learn from other advisors who have done it right creates an environment where you can share ideas and apply them to your own office,” Cory said.

A Thriving, Holistic Practice and Work-Life Harmony

Since partnering with Advisors Excel, Cory has witnessed a transformation:

  • Sustained Growth: In his first 5 years with Advisors Excel, Cory's business averaged 35% growth per year, soaring to 45% in 2023 and on track for a larger jump in 2024.
  • Enhanced Lifestyle: Cory's adopted a 4-day workweek and spends more time with family.

“It's given me more freedom and more time to spend with my family and do things that are important to me, as opposed to just chasing work,” Cory said.

It's given me more freedom and more time to spend with my family and do things that are important to me.

Cory Chapman's headshot

Within that first year with Advisors Excel, we started growing and we haven't stopped.

Cory Chapman's headshot

It's Your Turn to Thrive

Ready to write your success story? Advisors Excel is here to help you grow your business and achieve the work-life balance you deserve.

DAVID N. Headshot


From Trial to TriumphDiscover How David Went From Struggling Startup to Industry Leader

The Point

David found his stride as a business owner and ultimately embraced the role of CEO — while finding more time for family — by partnering with Advisors Excel.

Looking to break out of survival mode and start enjoying your work again? Curious how strategic guidance and a network of industry leaders can revolutionize your business? Meet David N., who experienced this transformation with Advisors Excel.

A Firm on the Brink

When David attended his first Advisors Excel event in 2013, he was barely making ends meet. In fact, he “didn't have two cents to rub together,” and even had to sell his car to keep up cash flow.

“My girlfriend at the time was paying for all my meals as we went on dates,” joked David, who now appears regularly on Fox Business News and in 2023 debuted his own ETF and rang the bell at the NYSE (and is now married to that same woman and raising three beautiful children).

Comprehensive Support and Strategic Tools

Advisors Excel provided access to everything David was missing, including:

  • Credibility-Building Branding: An effective website and key promotional materials.
  • Year-Round Marketing Strategy: Seminars, radio and more engaging client events.
  • Seminar Coaching: Strategies to fully tap this key marketing funnel.
  • Leadership Coaching: Facilitating David's shift to CEO and empowering his team.
  • Office Upgrade Support: Advising on a building purchase and office upgrade.

“They have all the tools to be successful,” David said. “If you have an idea about something, they can help you execute it.”

Growth and Recognition

Since partnering with Advisors Excel, David has seen:

  • Exponential Production Increase: Including more than doubling in 2018, 2019 and 2023.
  • Greater Visibility: In addition to his radio show, David often appears on Fox Business News.
  • Expansion Inspiration: A 2021 office upgrade elevated closing ratios as early as the first week.
  • A Leadership Network: High-performing peers inspire David and his team.

“You go to one of these AE conferences, you pay nothing and you're around some of the most successful financial advisors in the country,” David said. “If you're just starting out, you couldn't write a check big enough to get you at a table with some of the same people you could be sitting with at breakfast.”

The last two years for me has been making this transition to CEO from advisor, and that is a direct result of being at AE. We've finally done it, and man, has it been life-giving.

David Nicholas

All the things we needed to look legitimate early on, AE moved on it ASAP.

David Nicholas
David Nicholas

Take Action: Become a Better Leader with Advisors Excel

Ready to write your own success story? Explore the uncharted potential of your financial advisory firm with Advisors Excel. The path to becoming an industry powerhouse is clearer than you think.

Stephanie Fullerton


Securing a Seamless SuccessionDiscover How Stephanie Transformed Her Firm and Built a Lasting Legacy

The Point

Advisors Excel helped Stephanie map out how to transition her business to her three adult children — mentoring both parents and children throughout the process.

Are you planning to sell or transition your business within the next five years? Wondering how to ensure a smooth transition while securing your legacy? Discover how Stephanie F. achieved her dream with the help of Advisors Excel.

Scaling and Succession Planning

When Stephanie and Steve F. joined Advisors Excel in late 2010, their insurance-only firm was struggling to grow. Fast-forward 14 years, and their family-run operation has blossomed into a thriving enterprise with nearly 50 staff members. But Stephanie and Steve faced a new milestone: succession.

“Option A was just going out and selling it, but we didn't believe that was the right option for us,” Stephanie said. “We are so family-oriented, and our kids have been pretty tied into the growth and building of our company.”

Personalized Mentorship and Leadership Training

Advisors Excel provided a custom roadmap, including:

  • Personalized Mentorship: Weekly calls with AE mentors helped prepare Stephanie and Steve's three children for leadership roles.
  • Leadership Training: Focused coaching helped Stephanie and Steve confidently step back and let the next generation take over.
  • Tailored Strategies: AE catered to the size and needs of the firm, ensuring a smooth transition.

“AE does weekly calls with my team,” Stephanie said. “They've been instrumental in helping us stay true to our quarterly goals and making sure we're doing everything we can to be successful.”

A Smooth Transition and Lasting Impact

With the guidance of Advisors Excel, Stephanie and Steve have experienced:

  • Effective Transition: Their children are now taking on more responsibilities, ensuring the business remains in good hands.
  • Continued Growth: After growing 10x in 10 years, the firm has continued to thrive with AE's mentorship, maintaining steady growth and operational efficiency.

“What's great about AE is they focus on meeting you where you're at,” Stephanie said. “It's not like they have this one cookie-cutter formula. They cater to the size and needs of the business. It's been a great journey, and they've been incredible partners.”

Advisors Excel really walked alongside me, coaching me, mentoring me.

Stephanie Fullerton

What's great about AE is they really focus on meeting you where you're at.

Stephanie Fullerton

Take Action: Secure Your Legacy Today

Ready to map out your own successful succession plan? Don't wait. Join the Advisors Excel community today and prepare for a seamless transition.

George and Stacia Williams


From Hustle to HappinessDiscover how George and Stacia W. Doubled their business and found work-life balance

The Point

George and Stacia W. significantly improved their business and found work-life balance by partnering with Advisors Excel.

Feel like you're constantly grinding but not getting results? It's time for a change. George and Stacia W. found a new way with Advisors Excel.

Overwhelmed and Directionless

Before joining Advisors Excel in 2020, George and Stacia W. were caught in an exhausting cycle of 80-90 events per year, leaving little time for themselves or their five children. They needed a new approach, one that offered clear direction and a better work-life balance.

“We didn't have a business; we had a hustle,” said Stacia W. “Advisors Excel planted the seed of, ‘You don't have to live your lives like this.’”

Comprehensive Guidance and Proven Strategies

To break free from their grueling routine of seminars and workshops, AE provided a comprehensive blueprint for success designed to guide them to the production goals they desired. This included:

  • Business Coaching: Monthly coaching calls and tailored strategies to streamline their business operations and revamp their sales process.
  • Elevated Marketing: Strategies and a timeline to implement PR, digital marketing, radio, TV and their first book.
  • Transition Support: Guidance through their shift to a dually licensed firm.
  • Ideas from elite AE advisors: Advice and insights from other like-minded advisors through AE events and one-on-one coaching.

Most importantly, they had a full team ready to find custom solutions when the going got tough.

“The AE team allowed for input when we called. If it wasn't for that, I feel like it would have been a lot longer process,” George W. said.

Doubling Production and Enjoying Life

Today, George and Stacia W. have a business that is producing twice as much as 2020. They have time to enjoy their kids and all sorts of weekend family activities. And their client and prospect events are now enjoyable, not exhausting — events like Wine & Wisdom and a women's-only Social Sisterhood experience.

In short, they have a proven path toward their dreams.

“To know where you're going, you've got to know where you've been. The AE plan is a constant reminder of how far we've come and how much further we have to go. And honestly, the sky's the limit,” Stacia W. said.

We didn't have a business; we had a hustle. Advisors Excel planted the seed of, ‘You don't have to live your lives like this.'

Stacia Williams

The AE plan is a constant reminder of how far we've come and how much further we have to go. And honestly, the sky's the limit.

George Williams

Transform Your Practice Today

Are you ready to elevate your financial practice and enjoy a better work-life balance? Don't wait. Join the Advisors Excel community today and start your journey to success.

Katie Buck


Scaling Up to CEODiscover How Katie Transformed Her Family Business and Her Leadership

The Point

Katie and Jeff set their newly acquired family business on a path to exponential growth by partnering with Advisors Excel.

Struggling with growing your family financial advisory business? Interested in acquisitions but worried about logistics or coaching up a new team? See how Katie B. took her family's business to the next level.

Navigating an Uncharted Path

In 2017, Katie and Jeff B. purchased Jeff's father's financial advisory business. The single-office firm had a solid foundation and a strong regional presence, but Katie and Jeff had their sights set on more.

“We knew we wanted to grow as a company,” Katie said, “But we really didn't know how. We didn't have the resources, coaching and development we needed to change the look and feel of the company.”

Personalized Coaching and Tools

Advisors Excel provided a custom roadmap, including:

  • Sales Process Coaching: Expanding the firm's marketing funnels to 10 from 2.
  • More Efficient Technology: Providing a CRM that streamlined operations and analytics.
  • Hiring Help: Sharing tools for finding the right executives to fill out the team.
  • Team Development: Coaching Katie and Jeff to be better coaches themselves.

“Having the Advisors Excel team work with us first as financial advisors, and then as coaches — helping us guide our own team of advisors — that was truly valuable and a big part of our growth,” Katie said.

A Whole New Trajectory

Since partnering with Advisors Excel, Katie and Jeff have exceeded their own expectations:

  • Accelerated Growth: Production increased 12x from 2017 to 2023, on track for 25x in 2024.
  • Expanded Footprint: From 1 office to 15 in 5 regions (and a team of 75, including 30 advisors).

“We're now doing in 15 days the same production we were doing in a year,” Katie said. “That has only happened through the development of our business and us as leaders — and ultimately our continued partnership with Advisors Excel.”

Year after year, Advisors Excel shows up with new value-add propositions for us.

Katie Buck

We're now doing in 15 days the same production we were doing in a year.

Katie Buck

Take Action: Transform Your Practice Today

Ready to find your own path to uncharted growth in a generational business? Don't wait. Join the Advisors Excel community today and unlock your leadership potential.

The unique experiences and relative success of the producers referenced herein may not be representative of the experience of other financial professionals and are no guarantee of future success. The testimonials were not paid for.

E.A. Buck Financial Services is an independent financial services firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of investment and insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives. Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue Securities LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Buck Wealth Strategies, a Registered Investment Adviser. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. MAS and E.A. Buck Financial Services are not affiliated entities. Buck Wealth Strategies and MAS are not affiliated entities. E.A. Buck Financial Services and Buck Wealth Strategies are affiliated by common ownership. In California, we are known only as E.A. Buck Insurance in all solicitations of insurance. CMP-36719 – 7/24



Real Growth

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Proven Success.

Partner with Advisors Excel and watch your production soar. Here’s what the 2019 class experienced over their first few years partnering with us.

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The chart above represents the growth in total FIA production of advisors who joined Advisors Excel in 2019 over the following four-year period.

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    Stay in growth mode without burning yourself out. Advisor Mike R. demonstrates how he put Profit First and streamlined his sales process.

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    The Journey

    Learn from the best. Go behind the scenes with top advisors in each Advisor Success Track to gain new sales, marketing, ops and leadership best practices.